Medical transport

We accompany and assist you during your travels for :

  • Your specialized consultations

  • Hospitalizations (entrance, exit)

  • Dialysis sessions

  • Radiotherapy sessions

  • Chemotherapy

  • Physiotherapy sessions

  • Ambulatory surgery

  • Transport related to the care or treatment of children and adolescents

Taxi Agreement for the transport of seated patients.

We advise you on the steps to take with the CPAM.

photo sortie de taxi vers fauteuil roulant

Do you need seated transport for a consultation, hospitalization or treatment?

logo taxi conventionné

RESALP TAXIS has an agreement with all the health insurance funds (CPAM, MSA, RSI, MGEN etc…), we will provide transport for which you will not have to pay anything (case of a 100%) and we will directly carry out the liaison with your fund for all the administrative procedures, nothing could be simpler for the insured!

To know everything about the terms of support and / or reimbursement visit the site

Call RESALP TAXIS, your contracted taxi which will give you the benefit of third-party payment.

On the day of your transport, you will give the medical transport prescription issued by your doctor, the social security certificate which will justify your 100% coverage as well as your mutual insurance card directly to the driver.



Pourquoi choisir Resalp TAXIS pour votre transport médical ?

Desservant les communes telles que Briançon, Saint-Chaffrey, Villard Saint Pancrace, L'Argentière la Bessée, Vallouise Pelvoux, Les Vigneaux, Puy Saint Vincent, notre service assure un transfert professionnel à destinations des hôpitaux de Briançon, Gap, Marseille, Grenoble, etc, les centres de dialyse, de radiothérapie, de chimiothérapie, les séances de kinésithérapie, la chirurgie ambulatoire, et les transports liés aux soins des enfants et adolescents.

Optez pour un moyen de transport médicalisé professionnel, sûr et efficace et adapté à vos besoins. Nous assurons des trajets sécurisés et fiables, mettant en avant notre engagement envers la sécurité, la ponctualité, et le confort.
